Thanks for Lighting Up the Phones!

If your MLA’s office picks up:

  • Hello, may I please speak with [MLA’s name]? My name is [name]. I’m a constituent and I am phoning today to advocate for seniors’ care in B.C.

If your call goes to voicemail:

  • Hello, my name is [name] and I am a constituent of yours. I am calling today to advocate for seniors’ care in B.C.

Talking points (for both phone and voicemail):

  • 20 years of privatization has hurt care, and I’m hoping you’ll take urgent action to rebuild our care system.

  • 1 in 3 long-term care facilities are for-profit businesses that prioritize profit over people.

  • Care standards and working conditions are inconsistent.

  • I know the current B.C. government has committed to fixing long-term care and assisted living. I appreciate that you’ve hired more workers to make seniors’ care better.

  • That’s a good start. But there is still not enough staff. Not enough time. Not enough care for our loved ones.

  • I am calling today to ask you take action to:

    • Make new long-term care spaces public and non-profit, not private;

    • Fix the staffing crisis with better wages, benefits, and working conditions, no matter where staff work;

    • Stop contracting out of services in seniors’ care & support; and

    • Force private companies to follow regulations, meet standards & increase transparency

Thank you for your time today. I look forward to seeing you advocate for seniors’ care soon in the Legislature. My contact information is [email or phone number].

Thank You!

Can you take one more step and amplify our campaign? Snap a quick photo of yourself before or after you make your call and share it on Facebook.

Suggested post copy (cut & paste or make your own!)

I just called my MLA asking them to fix seniors’ care. Will you join me? Call here: