Seniors can’t wait for better care. Time’s up.

It’s time for clear standards for seniors’ care in BC. We’ve seen a lot of progress, but workers are burning out and seniors are paying the price. Join thousands of British Columbians in saying – care can’t wait.

Every day that goes by matters to seniors. BC seniors deserve better care—now.

Seniors’ care workers are burning out. Time to fix the staffing crisis, and set clear standards for care.

You shouldn’t have to worry about what kind of care will be there. Every senior deserves consistent, quality care. Long-term care needs a long-term fix.

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20 years of privatization has hurt care.

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1 in 3 long-term care facilities are for-profit businesses.

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Care standards and working conditions are inconsistent.

BC seniors have been waiting for years for better care. Care can’t wait – it’s time to fix the staffing crisis so care workers can provide consistent, stable, high-quality care for BC seniors.

It’s time to fix it now.

Fix the staffing crisis – with common standards for better wages, benefits and working conditions, no matter where you work.

→ Stop the contracting out of care and support.

→ Force private companies to follow regulations, meet standards, and increase transparency.

→ Make new care spaces public or non-profit – not operated by private companies.

Better care can’t wait.

We’ve been calling for better care for years. While the BC government has made a lot of progress, we’re not there yet, and seniors are paying the price.

Join thousands of British Columbians in speaking up.